Teacher |
Subjects |
Elena Barbero |
Italian, English, SEN |
Tanya Bastick |
ICT, Business |
Sarah Batchelor |
Spanish, EAL |
Hannah Behan |
English, History, CSPE, SPHE |
Emily Brady |
English, Learning Support |
Maura Calabrese |
Caoimhe Coyle |
Science, Chemistry |
Oisin Crawley |
History, Geography, Learning Support |
Siobhan Daly |
History, English, Learning Support |
Aisling Deasy |
History, Geography, Learning Support |
Johnathan Donnelly |
Art, Learning Support |
Hugh Dorman |
Science, Biology, Maths |
Shane Dowling |
Technology |
Teresa Doyle |
English, History, Learning Support |
Ciaran Dunne |
Science, Biology |
Shauna Farrell |
French, Business |
Manisha Fernandes |
Computer Science, ICT |
Aisling Flatley |
Geography, French |
Aoife Flynn |
Geography, CSPE, Politics and Society |
Edward Flynn |
EAL, Spanish, Italian |
Robert Flynn |
History, EAL, CSPE, Learning Support |
Padraig Gallagher |
Biology, Science, PE, Learning Support |
Martina Garrett |
Maths |
Connor Geraghty |
Irish, Learning Support |
Helena Glynn |
Learning Support |
Eadaoin Hayes |
Music, English (Programme Co-Ordinator) |
Karen Higgins |
Home Economics |
Carol Higgins |
Science, Biology, Chemistry |
Luke Hogan |
English, History, EAL |
Shane Holohan |
English, Performing Arts |
Andrew Hough |
Music, Maths |
Christopher Humphries |
Business, Politics and Society |
Ella Irwin |
English, History, Learning Support |
Oksana Kalush |
English, Spanish, Learning Support |
Kia Kettunen |
English, CSPE |
Piotr Krupinski |
Maths, ICT, Computer Science |
Susan Loftus |
Home Economics |
Aoife Loughnane |
English, CSPE, History, Learning Support |
Sheena Maguire |
Irish, Guidance |
Alan McLaughlin |
History, Geography, Learning Support |
Tristan McMurray |
Geography, LCVP (Year Head First Year) |
Ian McSherry |
PE |
Ben Mitchell |
Geography, History, EAL (Year Head Transition Year) |
Laura Moher |
English, Geography |
Leanne Moore |
Biology, Science, Maths |
Caitriona Mullen |
Physics, Science, Maths (Year Head Sixth Year) |
Lauren Murphy |
Business, Geography, Guidance |
Suzanne O'Callaghan |
History, Geography |
Eoin O'Donnell |
Science |
David O’Driscoll |
Science, Maths |
Shauna O’Flaherty |
English, French |
Donal O’Reilly |
English, History (Year Head Second Year) |
Linita Paul |
Science, Biology, Chemistry |
Roxane Pele |
Spanish, EAL, Music |
Amy Prior |
English, EAL, Geography |
Grace Rabi |
English, EAL, CSPE, Learning Support |
Aine Reville |
Irish, History, Learning Support |
Julie Rogers |
Science, PE, Learning Support |
Aisling Sammon |
Business, Learning Support |
Hayley Spollen |
Geography, Maths, Learning Support |
Elaine Stephens |
Art |
Gillian Todd |
French, German (Year Head Third Year) |
GRaham Tait |
Politics & Society, CSPE, Learning Support |
Mariana Uncu |
Romanian |
John White |
PE, Learning Support, Business, LCVP |
Rachel Wolverson |
Irish, Learning Support |