Special Educational Needs

Hansfield ETSS offers learning support to students with special educational needs (SEN). Hansfield ETSS is committed to the principle of equal access and welcomes students with special educational needs wherever possible within the parameters of a mainstream setting. All SEN students who accept a place in Hansfield ETSS become part of the school community and will be treated equally under our Code of Positive Behaviour.

In order to assess and provide for these needs, the school will request all the student's relevant records including reports from the primary school, psychological reports and any other information deemed necessary. This information must be provided when a place is accepted in Hansfield ETSS in order that the school can apply to the NCSE for Special Needs Assistants’ access to support students with special educational needs.

All students are expected to study Irish unless they have an official exemption from the Department of Education and Skills.This exemption is normally obtained through a psychological assessment. Additional Support for Learning may be received in different ways. This is dependent on a student’s daily timetable and if the student is exempt from Irish.

Students accessing additional support may have:

  • One to one teaching support.
  • Have a Special Needs Assistant.
  • A second teacher in the classroom to support them, and others.
  • Withdrawl from class into a small group with one teacher.
  • A combination of the above models of support.

Students who are found, through specific testing to be in need of literacy and/or numeracy support, will be given learning support where possible. We shall inform parents and will often advise them to seek a psychological assessment for their child.

Students meeting certain criteria in specific tests or having specific recommendations in their psychological assessments may get reasonable accommodation in state exams. They may be entitled to a spelling and grammar waiver, a scribe or the use of a digital recorder for answers in these exams. The final decision rests with the Department of Education. Accommodation granted at Junior Certificate is not guaranteed at Leaving Certificate.

Third level institutions require a ‘recent’ psychological assessment in order to meet the needs of students with specific learning disabilities. Parents who suspect their child has any learning difficulties should consider having their child assessed privately where possible. It would make a significant difference to their child’s educational prospects.

Contact Us
Hansfield ETSS
Barnwell Road
Dublin 15
D15 TF6F

01 861 4729

© 2025 Hansfield ETSS